Live Receptionists 24/7/365

Offering Answering Services Nationwide

100% U.S. Based Fully Customized Plans

Answer Center Telephone Answering Services—Putting Excellence to Work for You and Your Business—One Phone Call at a Time

Every employee at Answer Center Telephone Answering Service has been an operator at one time—even the owners. All are trained to think like an operator and use that training to give the callers the best customer service we possibly can. We promote from within and reward excellence. Let us show you how we can put that excellence to work for you!
The owners of Answer Center are on site daily and take an active part in the management of the operations. Most of the senior staff have been with us in excess of 10 years and we hope to have them for 30 more years to provide the best telephone answering service nationwide!

Answer Center Telephone Answering Service Uses Linux Based Equipment

We use proprietary telephone answering service software that is Linux based. What that means is we aren’t paying thousands of dollars just to license the software and Linux doesn’t interest hackers like Windows™ based programs do.

Our system is stable and has a triple redundant backup system to make sure we don’t lose a single call. We record all our incoming calls for quality assurance and have a generator to tide us over any prolonged power outages.

What We Do


Discover your complete one-stop solution, providing all businesses with a comprehensive array of integrated web and telephone-based services accessed through a universal point-of-entry. From Telephone Answering Service with Guaranteed Message Delivery to Referral and Real Time Appointment Scheduling, Answer Center Telephone Answering Services is customized to assist companies of any size. Our professional and friendly operators will greet your callers and deliver your messages by text, email, voice mail, fax or by calling you direct.

Service Companies

Real Estate

Medical Services

Business to Business

Financial Services

Non Profits

Legal Services


Get in Touch

We’d love to hear from you. Send us a message by filling out the form at right. Give us a quick outline of your needs. We’ll respond promptly.

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By accepting our ‘Privacy Statement’ above, you agree that Answer Center and its affiliates may communicate with you via email, text, or phone through the email and/or phone number provided on the form. Answer Center may use automated technology (e.g., pre-recorded messages, auto dialers) to contact you. You are not required to provide your phone number to Answer Center. Your information is collected and used in accordance with Answer Center’s Privacy Statement and Data Processing Agreement, and you may opt out of electronic communication at any time.
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